School Grounds TRAnSfoRmAtiOn  
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Exhibit plans and survey results

Exhibit your draft plans together with photographs and the comments gathered during the surveys. Invite parents, neighbours and community volunteers to review the plans and provide comments. Be prepared to adjust your draft plans to reflect any concerns that you have not addressed.

Present plans

Present your plans to parents, staff, local groups and school board staff to give people the opportunity to comment on the plans and survey results.

Consulting with the school and community helps gain broad community support and makes people feel part of the project.

Respect concerns

People are often concerned about greening projects reducing the ability of adults to adequately supervise children at play. Try to ease concerns by showing how existing sight lines can be maintained or even improved through careful design. Over time, by adding interest in the schoolyard and providing children with quiet social spaces away from boisterous play, the nature of playtime can change to such an extent that maintaining the same level of supervision is often unnecessary.

People also raise concerns about projects being vandalized. To help prevent vandalism, it is important to encourage people in the community to participate in transforming your grounds. Their involvement helps to develop in them a sense of community ownership.

Adjust final plans and implementation schedule

Make adjustments to the final plans and implementation schedule according to any new information or ideas arising from the school and community presentations.

Obtain final approval

Submit the final plans and the implementation and maintenance schedules to the school board for approval.

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